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Our vision is to create a new peace movement that is soul-centered, holistic and grounded in the psychological roots of conflict. One Whole Peace will bring together the citizens of Israel–Jewish, Muslim and Christian–to discover their shared humanity, common needs and interests and build a shared future together.

Our goal is to bring about a change in the civic consciousness of Israel and to unite people who regard each other as oppressors and subversives. This will create a ripple effect throughout the Middle East region, and heal the planet.

We believe the key to the recreation of this mindset within the citizens of the Israel can start with bringing together small groups of Israelis and Palestinians to learn soul-centered peace building. This way all people of this land can work together to create an environment where each human being has his place and shares his life in peace with his neighbors.

Soul-centered peace building is important, vital work, a process that will dramatically change everyone who attends the workshops. Like a stone thrown into water, the rippling effect of their own personal transformations will spread through the homes, neighborhoods, and cities across Israel and the entire region.

Tel: +972-54-4530315

Mark Shagal 7a St #9

Tel Aviv 69672



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Tax-deductible donations can be made in the U.S. through, a 501(C)3 public non-profit charitable organization.

© 2016 by OneWholePeace

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